Created by Veterinary
professionals for Veterinary
Veterinary professionals need to stay constantly up-to-date. That's why we have created the Purina® Vet Center, an online resource dedicated to supporting your continuous professional development and helping you care for your patient. You'll have access to a wide range of scientific publications, news and tools to further your professional development.

The Purina® Vet Center, a one-stop shop for help and insight in your daily work.
It offers useful resources that include
Vet Academy: A valuable resource of technical and scientific information to help you stay up-to-date in the vetierinary field:
E-Learnings: learn from a wide range of interactive courses on clinical nutrition (designed for both vets and nurses)
Science Hub: access to over 400 clinical abstracts and scientific publications covering nutrition and clinical conditions.
Webinars and Masterclasses: Our online library includes the full recordings of the latest Purina® Symposiums, together with webinars and masterclasses from expert KOLs on the latest research in nutrition and pet wellbeing.
Communication toolkits: Easy-to-download resources for raising awareness of key health issues, including posters and case studies on a range of clinical conditions.